Thursday, August 20, 2009

Maven Plug-in for Android Development

If you are a Maven fanboy (or just a plain user), there is a Google code project developing and providing a Maven plug-in for Android development. The plug-in lets you to build Android application projects (apk) with Maven and with minimal configuration. The plug-in project has also produced a decent Getting Started Guide. In addition, since the project deploys to Maven Central, you do not need to bother to configure any repositories of your own.

I have used Maven in some past Java projects at work. Since my own experiences in using Maven have been mostly positive, I plan to take this Maven plug-in into test use.


Hugo Josefson said...

Thanks for writing about our plugin. Found your blog post through our front page automatic twitter search ^_^

We'll be interested in hearing how it works out for you, when you take it into test use.


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